Posted by : Copaser Colikers Jun 1, 2013

What is Uinvest?

UInvest is a place where you can become a co owner of a business.
All businesses listed at Uinvest are divided on shares, you can buy any number of shares available.
Each share earns dividends to its holder, the earnings are deposited monthly on your online Uinvest account.
UInvest is a marketplace where business owners and investors meet each other.
Interacting with the website, you buy shares of enterprises and get dividends on a monthly basis.
You can trade your shares with other investors, buy or sell them in real time like on a stock exchange.

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How can I earn money with Uinvest?

Step 1 to earn money at Uinvest is to claim your personal free account at Uinvest here.
Once your registration is done, Uinvest offers you several way to earn a nice passive income.
1.) Buy one or more shares, hold your shares and enjoy the monthly earnings.
2.) Trade shares with other Uinvestors. Buy low today, sell high tomorrow ...
Once you reach a rank higher than 3000 in Uinvest's internal ranking system, you can even:
3.) Become a "Financial partner" and earn commission for exchanging currencies for other Uinvestors.

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How does Uinvest work?

I recommend you to watch the videos at Uinvest website:
Investing: How to invest money online
Trading: UInvest Share Exchange (USE)
And if you are intersted in becoming an Uinvest financial partner, this help page:
UInvest Financial Partners Help

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How much can I earn at Uinvest?

There is no limit to your earnings. The investment opportunities at Uinvest represent active businesses.
By purchasing shares in a business, you become an important participant in the management and income distribution of your investment.
Everything depends, of course, on choosing the right business and properly managing that investment.
Currently the monthly ROI of businesses ranges between 4.74% and 13.88%.

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How to start?

1.) Register your free Uinvest account here.
2.) Use the Live-Tool to find the share that suits you best.
3.) Fund your Uinvest account by your favorite payment proccessor with the needed amount to buy the share you have chosen.
4.) Buy your first share by either clicking the Invest-button in the Live-tool table, or visiting the Assets Management directly. (You need to log in to your Uinvest account first in both cases.)

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When will I receive earnings of my shares?

This depends on weather the business of your choice already started working.
Provided that the business already started working, you will receive earnings every month on the date of your purchase.
For example, if you buy a share on August 15th you will get earnings on September 15th, October 15th and so on.

If the business did not already start, you will receive earnings every month on the date of business start, which could be weeks after your purchase!
So better check out the status of each business at Assets Management, especially when it comes to GUN shares.
For example, if you buy a share on August 15th, but the status says that the project will start on September 1st, you will receive your first earning on October 1st, which is one month after the business started and not one month after your purchase!

Usually earnings will be credited in the late evening at GMT time to your Uinvest account on your payment day.

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How long will I get paid as a shareholder?

You will earn as long as the business term lasts (specified in the business description).
If term is "unlimited" - the shares will earn you money as long as the business works (it can be lifetime).

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What happens to my shares after the investment period?

You can sell your shares back to Uinvest via their marketmakers INCA, NITE, ISLD or GUN Project.

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Who is INCA?

INCA is one of the Uinvest market makers, which supports the liquidity of shares.
Other Uinvest market makers are NITE, ISLD and GUN Project.
You can buy/sell shares from/to market makers.

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How much is the minimum investment?

In opposite to other investmentment programs, where you simply deposit a certain amount money to receive a certain percentage of return, at UINVEST you have to decide in which business you want to invest your hard earned money.

Therefore the minimum investment to start would be the cheapest share available,
which is currently the project "Bungalow" at the price of $12.95.

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Bargain hunting at Uinvest

In order to make a good bargain at Uinvest, do not just buy the next best offer.
Use the Live-tool to watch the market first.
Some shares are very fluctuating.
Waiting for the right moment to buy could easily save you some bucks.
Another point is not buy at ask prices.
Try to put a low buy-order instead first.
Outbid the highest bid by $0.01 for example. :-)
Depending on the number of shares issued, the chance could be high that one Uinvestor out of x-thousand will press the sell-button within the next couple of hours.
What brings us to the next point.
Do not simply press the sell-button in order to sell your share to currently highest bid.
Try to place a sell-order first, if you are not hurry and you can stand the pain if nobody buys at your desired price.

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Which payment processors does Uinvest accept?

Log in to your Uinvest Account account to see all opportunities.
Since Uinvest introduced "Financial Partners" some time ago, nearly all major processors could be used.
Paypal, Moneybookers, Liberty Reserve, Bank wire, Payza, Perfect Money, Solidtrustpay and so on.
But it depends on the daily offers by the Financial Partner.
Read more about Financial Partner here:How to add funds with financial partners

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Which fees does Uinvest charge?

There is no entrance or membership fee charged at Uinvest.
Fees for founding your Uinvest-account could be charged by your payment processor.
Same applies to withdrawals. It depends on your choosen payment processor / financial partner.
From your monthly dividends, Uinvest takes 10%. (These are deducted in the Live-Tool table at this site already)
If you sell a share, Uinvest takes 1% + $1 per successful sale.
You can reduce this fees by not allowing "partial filling", in case you want sell more than share of the same business.

For example:
You want to put 10 shares of the same business for sale.
a) partial filling would allow 10 different Uinvestors to buy one share each. You will be charged 1% + 10x$1.
b) without partial filling, Uinvestors will not be allowed to buy shares one by one. They need to buy all 10 as a bundle. You will be charged 1% + 1x$1.

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I forgot my pin code. How to reset?

Try hard to rembember your pin code first.
It is the 5 digit number you were asked to setup, when you logged in to your Uinvest account for the very first time.
If you really can't remember it, follow this link:
Choose "Security" and then "Request pin code".
For security reasons, you need to attach a scanned verification document like passport, ID or driving license before you submit the form.
The procedure may take up to 48 hours on business days.

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I forgot my password. How to reset?

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Is Uinvest legit?

Let me answer this with a quote from Uinvest website:
"UInvest is a legal registered company with an excellent reputation. You can visit one of our offices and see registration documents. UInvest was founded in 2007 and now has over 40 employees and offices in Ukraine and the United States. Over that time $100 million assets have been proceeded among more than 30,000 investors. You can find the addresses of our offices from our presentation at
First of all - at the you can check registration data - and it's confirm that Uinvest is registered in USA. You can also check our registration documents at corporate kit - for both - Ukraine and USA registration, there presented all needed for our operations in Ukraine information, which can be published via Internet." 

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Will Uinvest scam?

Unfortunately I do not have the ability to see into the future.
Plus Uinvest is very unique. I never saw a program like this before.
So all my experience with regular investment programs does not apply to Uinvest.
All my enthusiasm for Uinvest comes from my personal positive experience with Uinvest in the past.
I joined Uinvest in June 2011 and they always paid me in time since then.
Also I know Uinvestors in person which joined in mid 2010 already.
(Imagine your profits if you would have invested several thousand Dollars two years ago.)
During that time I saw how Uinvest handled a lot of problems like cheaters, hacking attacks, really huge Ddos attacks and payment processors freezing their funds.
And after each attack, they came back even stronger and they put a lot of efforts to improve their business like renting offices, hireing staff, upgrading the website + ddos protection, offering online-chat, etc.
Of course this is no guarantee for their future performance.
But I think they would not do all of this just to shut down tomorrow!
I really hope Uinvest will stay forever, but nobody can know ...

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Are there risks involved by investing at Uinvest?

Again a quote from the official Uinvest website:
"Any investment contains an element of risk. seeks to minimize risk by offering business opportunities that are viable and quickly profitable.
By becoming a manager in your own business, courtesy of, your decisions influence the potential success and sustained profitability of your investment.
Simply stated: you control the scope and direction of your investment. Period.
You can also sell your business, or withdraw profits directly into your bank account.
As always, the professionals at are available to answer any questions you may have about a featured business."

Last but not least, here is what I tell everybody asking me for advice when it comes to any online investment:
Any online investment is risky!
Never spend money you can't afford to lose.
Do not spend money you need for daily life or your family.
Never spend money you can't afford to lose.
Do not rely on the promised outcome to pay your bills.
Never spend money you can't afford to lose.
Always be prepared to lose it all at any time.
I do not know if you noticed it: One sentence was frequently repeated in order to emphasize its importance. :-)

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